One problem that most rowing parents do not usually have is persuading their child to eat! However, it’s also important to know what to eat and when, as the effect of diet on performance is significant. Equally, as young rowers are also going through periods of rapid growth, it is vital to ensure that their high level of physical activity – in terms of both duration and intensity – does not compromise their normal development. Good eating habits and a diet that supplies the right nutrients to support their level of energy expenditure will ensure that your teenagers grow well and keep healthy.


It is essential for athletes to keep hydrated. Drink at least two litres of water a day. Rowers should keep a drink bottle in the boat and are encouraged to drink at regular intervals. Little and often is the best way to keep fluid levels topped up. Don’t forget that if you feel thirsty you are already dehydrated.


Sleep is valuable time for your body to repair and recover from stress. It is essential for rowers to get 8 hours every night. Make sure to give yourself 15-30 minutes before sleep to unwind with no screen time. Read a book, listen to music, meditate or just vege out.


Each season Epsom Rowing offers resilience, health and nutrition workshops by a leading sports nutritionist who is also an athlete to assist girls and their families.

At these workshops, the principles of good nutrition and the recommended pre-training/racing and “recovery” after exercise will be explained.